What is the REACH regulation?
The REACH Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) is a European Union regulation that was adopted to improve the protection of human health and the environment from the risks posed by chemical substances and mixtures.
Who is affected by the REACH regulation?
It affects the entire European chemical industry and all participants in the supply chain, whether manufacturers, importers, distributors, downstream users, etc.
REACH applies to all chemicals, not only those used in industrial processes, but also in products used in everyday life, such as cleaning products, paints and other articles such as clothing, furniture and electrical appliances. Substances such as radioactive substances, waste, transport of hazardous substances, chemicals used in foodstuffs and medicines, among others, are totally excluded from the Regulation.
REACH obligations
European companies that market and distribute chemical products must follow certain obligations, such as REACH registration, communication in the supply chain, authorisation or restriction of substances, among other obligations.
Ready for REACH
PROQUIMIA, S.A. is aware of its responsibilities for the correct use of chemical substances and has prepared and trained itself for the implementation of the REACH Regulation, developing an internal plan in order to comply with the deadlines established by this Regulation.
The uses of the preparations we market have been communicated to our suppliers to ensure that the uses are identified and exposure scenarios for our customers are evaluated.
We remain committed and continue to work to comply with the REACH regulation and to detect any changes that may affect our products and our customers.
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- Data controller: PROQUIMIA, S.A.
- Purpose of processing: Managing the sending of information, resolving queries and/or collecting data for possible business relationships.
- Legal Basis: Consent of the person concerned
- Recipients: No data will be transferred to third parties, unless this is legally obliged.
- Rights: Access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation, portability and presentation of claims.
- Additional information: Additional and detailed information on Data Protection can be found on our website: Privacy policy